<PG&E Stroud & Westside Solar Array

Solar Array / Structural Engineering

© Cupetino Electric, Inc.

PG&E Stroud & Westside Solar Array

Helm and Five Points, California


Cupertino Electric Inc.

Paul Westermann

Interactive Resources, Inc. was retained by Cupertino Electric to provide structural engineering design services for the 20 Megawatt ground-mounted solar array at the PG&E Stroud site (located in Helm, CA) and the 15 Megawatt ground-mounted solar array Westside site (located in Five Points, CA), both located in the Central Valley. Design services were provided for the design of the equipment foundations and equipment anchorage. We responded to code enforcement agency comments, and provided Construction Administration services, including response to field questions, and review of shop drawings.

Link to Cupertino Electric project summary: https://www.cei.com/our-work/pge-year-1-solar

117 Park Place • Point Richmond, CA • 94801 •  • info@intres.com • 510-236-7435