<City of Merced Public Works Corporation Yard Master Plan

Master Plan / Pre-Design

Corporation Yard watercolor, 2005 Hank Schultz

City of Merced Public Works Corporation Yard Master Plan

Merced, California

Corporation Yard | Storage Facilities | Vehicle Maintenance

City of Merced

Allan Whitecar, Jr.
Andrew Butt


GHD, Inc. (Winzler & Kelly, MDG (Maintenance Design Group), Silva Cost Consulting

The City of Merced retained Interactive Resources, Inc. to provide a master plan for the expansion and modernization of its Public Works Corporation Yard. The master plan included ten-, twenty- and thirty-year needs assessments, an evaluation of present and future facilities, preliminary site layouts, floor plans and elevations for the proposed new buildings, and preparation of a pre-design report. The future corporation yard includes: a fleet maintenance building, office facility, service center, workshops, vehicle wash facility, fire pump testing and a fueling facility.


“They (Interactive Resources, Inc.) did a great job last year evaluating what the city of Merced’s needs would be for its corporate yard and designing a set of buildings It’s difficult to stay within a schedule, especially ours, which was pretty tight, and they did it on time and within our budget.”

—John Sagin, Senior Architect for the City of Merced

Corporation Yard watercolor, 2005 Hank Schultz CC BY-ND

117 Park Place • Point Richmond, CA • 94801 •  • info@intres.com • 510-236-7435