University Hall Envelope Improvements

University Hall Envelope Improvements

University Hall, designed by Welton Becket and Associates and constructed in 1959, is a large concrete-frame high-rise building that houses administrative offices for the University of California, Berkeley. The structure is composed of a seven-story tower and an...

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Youth Center Remodel

Youth Center Remodel

The City of San Carlos commissioned Interactive Resources, Inc. to upgrade its existing twenty-year-old Youth Center to better reflect current programs and services. The Youth Center serves more than one hundred middle-schoolers, Monday through Friday, and is home to...

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Nystrom Elementary School Multi-Purpose Building

Nystrom Elementary School Multi-Purpose Building

The Nystrom Elementary School modernization is part of The City of Richmond’s Nystrom United Revitalization Effort (NURVE). Interactive Resources, Inc. was the architect and structural engineer-of-record for the modernization and expansion of the school, originally...

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Roof Designs and Repairs

117 Park Place • Point Richmond, CA • 94801 •  • • 510-236-7435