Interactive Resources, Inc. has provided design services for a wide array of projects for the University of California, Berkeley over the course of the last two decades. Services performed include architectural design, seismic analysis/retrofits, mechanical and...
PowerPlant Park
Interactive Resources, Inc. is providing architectural, civil and structural engineering, and landscape architectural services for PowerPlant, Inc.'s 19+ acre cannabis agricultural community located along Richmond’s North Shoreline. PowerPlant Park has modeled itself...
PG&E’s Browns Valley Energy Storage Facility
Interactive Resources, Inc. provided civil and structural engineering services for the Browns Valley Energy Storage Equipment Anchorage project located in Browns Valley, California and built by Cupertino Electric, Inc. This is PG&E’s first lithium-ion storage...
Youth Center Remodel
The City of San Carlos commissioned Interactive Resources, Inc. to upgrade its existing twenty-year-old Youth Center to better reflect current programs and services. The Youth Center serves more than one hundred middle-schoolers, Monday through Friday, and is home to...
Larkspur Ferry Terminal, Administrative Office Remodel
The Golden Gate Bridge Highway and Transportation District owns and operates three regional transportation assets in the San Francisco Bay area, including the Larkspur Ferry Terminal. The District retained Interactive Resources, Inc. to remodel the District’s...
Virginia Avenue Transit Center (VATC) Bridging Design Services
The San Ysidro Land Port of Entry is one of the busiest land ports in the world. A new transit center is proposed on the west side of the Port at Virginia Avenue and on the East side of the Outlets at the Border, a commercial outlet facility that is more than a half...