Nystrom – Maritime Daycare Center

Nystrom – Maritime Daycare Center

The Maritime Center is part of Rosie the Riveter WWII Home Front National Historical Park and one of two surviving Richmond child care centers designed and built to serve women working in the WWII Richmond Kaiser Shipyards. Built in haste without a concrete...

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Benicia Clock Tower Seismic Retrofit

Benicia Clock Tower Seismic Retrofit

The Benicia Clock Tower is two-story, 20,000 sf unreinforced stone masonry structure originally constructed as a U.S. Army arsenal in 1857. It presently serves as a community assembly hall. The City of Benicia retained Interactive Resources, Inc. to provide a...

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Historic building rehabilitations/restorations

117 Park Place • Point Richmond, CA • 94801 •  • info@intres.com • 510-236-7435