Contra Costa County needed to consolidate several divisions of the County’s Department of Conservation and Development into a single, modern, office location located at 30 and 40 Muir Road in Martinez, California. Several design solutions were implemented to satisfy...
Lytton Springs Winery Roof Repair & ADA Upgrades
Ridge Vineyards Inc., Lytton Springs Winery retained our firm to diagnose the conditions that led to severe water damage and decay of a fermentation building roof and to design the roof repairs. Our diagnostic services included a review of project documents and...
Frank Hagel Federal Building – Plaza Water Intrusion and Repair Design
The Frank J. Hagel Federal Building is a six-story structure with a below-grade basement, a low-slope roof and exterior plazas. The Social Security Administration (SSA) is the main tenant of the building and suffered from ongoing water intrusion into the basement from...
Limoneira Solar Photovoltaic Array & LEED Visitors Center
Founded in 1893, the Limoneira Company is a pioneer in the California agricultural industry, with trademarks that include Sunkist Growers, Fruit Growers Supply and Diamond Walnut. Interactive Resources, Inc. provided architectural and structural engineering services...
Cafeteria Remodel, Los Angeles Federal Building
The U.S. General Services Administration (GSA) oversees the Federal Building at 300 North Los Angles Street in Los Angeles, California. Building tenants include U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services, Los Angeles Immigration Court, the U.S. Attorney, Department of...
Energy Efficient Design – the Bruce R. Thompson U.S. Courthouse and the Carson City Federal Building
Interactive Resources, Inc. was retained by the General Services Administration to determine the most advantageous way to implement energy efficient designs and retrofits to the existing infrastructure at the Bruce R. Thompson U.S. Courthouse in Reno and Carson City...